Thursday, August 31, 2006
upper jaw only though. going back next week to get my retainers. rawr. my brother wore his braces for three years. thats for not sticking to the dentists' instructions strictly! hohoho (:
we're going back to nyps tomorrow! thankyou lianghui for helping me to miss lim's present too :D heh! hmm, i initially wanted to go and sleep after my dental but then, i was feeling kind of happy just now. and so, i couldnt sleep and i decided to use the computer! and as usual, no one's online. rah, so im blogging now (:
i so totally looked like an idiot today. everyone was like staring at me lah. like please, who wouldnt stare at someone who was carrying a stack of books which was at least 40 cm high -.- i felt and looked like a total idiot. rah! i had to wait for 20 minutes alone ): and i felt super zibei. then i suddenly remembered that i brought my iPod. so i started listening to it and i didn't feel that zibei anymore.
then the cleaner uncle walked past! and i smiled (: and he smiled back. then he asked, " hai bu zou arh?" hahaha and i told him i was waiting. lalala!
cher better remember to return me my vcds tomorrow OR I'M SO GONNA KILL HER (:
7:54 AM
Monday, August 28, 2006
it sounds nice and I made it up! stupid people like timothy try to steal credit -.- anyway, im only blogging here because i'm freaking bored while waiting for the songs to upload. okay why not i just tell you the whole story =/
apparently i took two hours to do these:
firstly, i tried to install the new version of iTunes and they told me that there was not enough space in my drives. so i started deleting stuff. STILL NOT ENOUGH. and i decided to just copy and paste my whole MY MUSIC folder because it was eating up my C drive space. so i moved it to E drive. that took like half an hour. -.-
then, installing the new version of Itunes took like a few minutes. that was still fine. THEN, i realised that i had to RE-ADD ALL MY SONGS ALL OVER AGAIN. bloody hell. i was like WTH?! -.- and its not like i only have a hundred songs. so irritating. so yeah. i've been doing that for about one hour straight and i still havent uploaded all my songs yet. only like less than half. grrrr! >: (
then, nevermind. after uploading like a few albums i decided to give up cos it was kind of late. and well, yeah it is -.- so i was like, okay i shall plug my ipod in now. then i realised, SHIT. have to wait again -.-
thats what you get for being impatient. they punish you by making you wait -.-
i know im not making much sense here :D didn't intend to anyway. just thuoght i'd be nice and blog since there was nothing else i could do. and its kind of a "kill two birds with one stone" thing since i entertained you and i kept myself occupied! :D
hahahahaah :D i feel random and hyper. LALALA! i think the computer is weird. it affects my mood alot =/ sometimes im super emo. sometimes im super hyper. EXTREMES. hahahahaha okay im not making sense again. lalalalala :D if you're still reading that means you like me! (:
okay now i feel damndamndamn gay. but i dont know what to blog! =/ okay maybe i shall stop here and start blogsurfing (: then i can save myself from unwanted embarrassment. but hey, i entertained you for at least a few minutes right? :D say thankyou! :D
4:04 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
i suddenly feel like i haven't been giving back to society enough.
like, all the time, we've all just been taking and taking and taking and never thinking of give back to society. rah. i think we're really lucky. being able to have good education, subsidies for those families who are not so fortunate and stuff like this.
and all we've done is think of ourselves. how self-centred can we all get. i think i wanna do community service after EOYS. instead of letting myself rot at home in front of the bloody computer and think too much and get all emotional again. it's a stupid cycle. which i don't exactly fancy. so why not do something more meaningful, and at the same time feel good? (:
2:03 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Give My Love When I look in your eyes I can see that you
Want to be with me but you’re so scared
And I don’t know what to say or do
But the tears keep falling from your eyes
And I know that
Times won’t change my love
And I can’t do nothing to keep you
Oh, I’ll give my love oh when I hold you tight
Give my love through kisses oh so bright
And you know that I can’t change my love
Take my love all through the night…
As the hours pass away
You think that love ain’t here to stay
Feel a beat from your chest
But you don’t give doubt a moment’s rest
You dream the future and all you see is dark
Listen to your heart, baby, the truth will set sparks
Now I’ll give my love oh when I hold you tight
Give my love through kisses oh so bright
And you know that I can’t change my love
Take my love all through the night
Now I’ll give my love oh when I hold you tight
Give my love through kisses oh so bright
And you know that time won’t change my love
Take my love all through the night
I’ll give my love oh when I hold you tight
Give my love, through kisses oh so bright
And you know that I can’t change my love
Take my love all through the night
Now I’ll give my love oh when I hold you tight
Give my love through kisses oh so bright
And you know that I can’t change my love
Take my love all through the night OHMYGOSH! (: this song is super nice (: ladeedum!
i'm super addicted to SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME but i still don't have the vcd and the earliest i can buy it is on thursday cos my mom's currently overseas and she's only coming back super late at night on wednesday ): gosh, i can't wait! and im afraid she wont let me buy because i almost failed my geog? man ):
now i feel sad )):
anyway, OUR LOVE WILL ALWAYS LAST is also very nice (: its a song by the way :D
8:24 AM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
we're probably the worst class in other teachers' eyes.
but hey, we have our own good points too. it's just whether you choose to notice it or not. please stop comparing us to other classes because we know that, academic-wise, we don't beat them or anything. but we have our own unique good points. maybe it takes time to figure them out, but at least just stop comparing us for one moment.
fine. nevermind. i hope twoten knows what i mean anyway.
anyway i suddenly feel so useless. rawr. i don't know why so don't ask.
anyway, i've no mood to blog anymore so toodles (:
3:21 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i'm back in the blogging mood! :D you all must be OVERJOYED, ELATED, WHATEVER WORD THAT EXPRESSES HAPPINESS :D lalalalalala (:
bees are scary :D they sting! OUCH! :D
okay that was random. anyway, i'm feeling random :D you know ahhiang ALWAYS makes me hyper -.- i dont know what her problem is lah! and she just asked me to stop ahbeeahhiang-ing ))): ohmygosh she just made me soooo sad )): HOW COULD SHE! ): its so darn cute lah! :D
anyway, i hope i can get the U2 IPOD :D but i know i've been craving for a lot of things recently so... i just HOPE i can get it :D besides, its not my birthday YET. psst! its only like ONE MONTH away. no actually, LESS THAN ONE MONTH :D
ohmygosh-.- ahbeeahhiang is so goondoo -.- she doesn't know what our class blog is! :O how cld she! ): actually, i was like her too. until i asked iris! :D cos i was lazy to go to the links :D HEH. but after i asked iris, i miraculously cld remember it! :D so ahbeeahhiang will be able to remember! :D because cheryl is MAGIC! :D
i told you i was addicted to :D
okay, ahbeeahhiang is such an ass! :D i show you WHY :D
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
never add me
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
is i ask her to add me one too lah!
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
i dowan to blog already
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
and in the air the fireflies our only light in paradise ; beehiang-# says:
what lahand of course, ; UNWRITTEN is cheryl :D
she was talking about the username for the twoten blog :D she's so dumb :D HAHAHAHAHAA! lalala i have a feeling she'll kill me after reading this but WHO CARES. i'm supposed to kill her first for not going for cross country >: ( that ASS! >: ( rah! hahahah what running = pressure -.- why, are you scared you'll become bald due to stress! :O
hahahaha just joking :D
i'm feeling gay :D
as you can tell :D
this post is super disorganised :D
words here and there and everywhere! :D
do i look like i care :D
too bad if you find it messy because i don't care! :D LALALALA
okay toodles ((:
2:57 PM
once in a lifetime you see me do quizzes :D
and as you can tell, i have this sudden craze for using :D since YESTERDAY NIGHT BECAUSE I WAS HYPER.
so yes, you'll be seeing more, and moremoremore of :D's!
here goes nothing! :D
oh, i forgot to mention that i KOPED it from AHBEEAHHIANG XD her name is SOOOO CUTE! :D
Name 3 schools you went to:
Nanyang Kindergarten
Swiss Cottage Primary School (i miss ): )
Nanyang Primary School
Nanyang Girls' High School :D
Name 3 things in your purse/wallet:1. MONEY :D
2. my BLUE ezylink with my P1/P2 picture :D which makes people go "AWWWWW! WHAT HAPPENED OVER THE YEARS!" -.- damn those SIXotherpeople (you know who you are :D)
3. MY DINO DP CLUB MEMBERSHIP CLUB! which we just received yesterday! SO CUTE! :D
Name 3 things you like to wear:1. i don't wanna tell you (:
2. i don't wanna tell you (:
3. i don't wanna tell you (:
Name 3 things you always do when you are stressed up:1. STAB! :D nahh, just kidding (:
3. think? ((:
Name 3 fav songs right now:1. GIVE MY LOVE! is love :D <333!
Name 3 favourite persons in life: 1. 7OFUS! ((:
Name 3 places you go on a daily basis:
2. TOILET (ahbeeahhiang's answer :D)
Name 3 things you like to do:1. DANCE :D
2. SLEEP :D!
Name 3 person of the opposite sex that you hold hands before:
1. shawn! kindergarten partner! HAHAHAHAHA :D what were you thinking (:
3. mr brother -.-
Name three favourite fruits:1. currently, PAPAYAS :D cos they make me go YAYAYAYAYA!
3. i don't know, sometimes i like eating oranges. sometimes pears. sometimes grapes. sometimes strawberries. sometimes BANANAS! :D right, nana?
Name 3 things you are addicted to: 1. DANCEDANCEDANCEDANCE :D
3. MY IPOD which has unfortunately konked off! )):
Name 3 favourite hobbies:1. DANCEDANCEDANCEDANCEDANCE! :D how many times must i say... -.-
3. SHOPPPPPINNNNNGGGGGG! :D oh, but i have moods ((:
Name 3 career choices:1. Banker! those kind whereby you buy shares for ur customers or something like that! like my mom! :D
2. Lawyer
3. DANCER! but maybe not ):
Name 3 goals in 2006: 1. Don't fail my Humanities ):
2. Stop getting single digits for Humanities ):
3. everyone to be happy! and as they say, WORLD PEACE! :D
Name 3 plans for tomorrow:1. go to wheelock to show the guy my ipod and see if it can be fixed. if not, buy new one! :D i want U2! :DDDDDD
2. go for guitar (((((:
Name 3 things that scare you:1. BEES! :D
2. COCKROACHES! :D (ahbeeahhiang's answer :D which applied for me too :D)
3. erm... I DON'T WANT TO SAY (:
Name 3 of your essential needs: 1. WATER! :D
2. AIR! :D
Name three things you are wearing right now: 1. Black and White halter
2. Black skirt!
3. undergarments :D
Name 3 unforgettable events still in your mind: 1. Don't tell you (:
2. Don't tell you (:
3. Don't tell you (:
Name 3 of your fav bands or musical artistes: 1. BUSTED! :D
3. RANDOM PEOPLE :D whom i cant remember :D
Name 3 things essential in relationship1. Trust
2. Patience
Name 3 things you want to do before you leave this world: 1. be filial to my parents! :D
2. Dance to my heart's content! :D
3. Earn my first million! :D
Name 3 wines: 1. Red wine!
2. White wine!
3. And i don't know already! :D
Random questionslied to the person you love most?
yes ):
bluff a person you dont like/love him when you does?don't tell you :D
YES or NO questionsBeen trap in lift?No but ALMOST thought i did! :D
Violated the law?Are school rules counted? :D
Been in jail?
Trapped in a room with only a opposite sex around?YEAH. TRAPPED WITH MY IRRITATINED BROTHER.
Love someone with your whole heart?my family? :D
DONE! i deleted the last part cos i thought it was redundant :D HEH! OKAY. it's kind of crap and i still am kind of hyper because of my ballet friend -.- and because of :D
OKAY. now its time to focus on my social life! :D
8:19 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
shucks i haven't been blogging for so long that i forgot what my username was =/
hahahahaha. anyway, as requested by cher, i shall blog about >:) because he's pissifying. well, yeah. there's a > added to the :) because he's irritating, annoying, disgusting etc. (: i could go on forever!
rawr. firstly, you're freaking rude. it's not like you're super good-looking or anything right. it doesn't give you any right to call her that. oh, unless we all do it YOUR way. then i can do the same to you. it's just whether i feel evil or what (: but still, it was very rude of you to say that. although that was not meant to be disclosed, but we are considerably close to each other, and you should know that. too bad if you do not.
secondly, you had no right to put amina's photo on your friendster account. it's HER photo. even if you plan to put it on your friendster account, and although she's super suibian most of the time, it still does not give you any right to put it on YOUR account WITHOUT HER PERMISSION. it's just so rude. like, proclaiming that's YOUR photo, when it obviously isn't. and the worst thing is, it gives others the impression that both of you are together, which is SO NOT THE CASE. and in fact, it's really 100% impossible.
thirdly, if you have anything to say to anyone next time, go straight to the point. stop stalking. stop making up excuses which are in actual fact lies. because they wont work. so stop being stupid and get straight to the point and stop beating around the bush like some idiot.
well, these are the main stuff. but there are lots more like, being proud and haughty and thinking that you're more superior than everyone else. well, i guess thats your own problem because with that attitude you can't go far anyway (:
so anyway, i went out with my mom today (: rawr. still can't find my bag. thinking of buying THAT puma one. but nevermind (: we'll see. hahaha. hmm! then we went to eat lunch! lunch was yum (: and then we met this waitress with superb service! and so my mom started asking her questions and got to know more about her.
and well, she's from ITE. and we were all kind of shocked. my mom expected her to be from NUS =/ but anyway, she was working there part-time so that she could save up money to enter some private school, which i don't know how to spell. lalala (: yeah. and she's studying retail. she got top in her course in the ITE level. and she wanted to go to temasek poly to study retail because temasek is the only poly that like teaches retail? or something like that. yeah. but she couldnt get in cos she failed her english o level. but her communication skills in english are totally fine! it's just all the compre and compo stuff. shitty, yes.
and so its like she tried all ways possible to get into temasek but still nothing helped =/ she tried appealing, she got her teacher to help her write a letter to the principal but they still rejected her ): yeah well, thats how unfair life is. looking down on ITE students! well, i admit i'm one of them but after today, i've changed! HAHAHAHA (:
but anyway, my mom's trying to pull strings and help her (: to get into temasek. IF she reallyreallyreally cannot get in, then my mom's thinking of sponsoring her for the private course in the private school. the reason why she cldnt go there was because the course is like super expensive and she doesnt have the money. yeah. so my mom's thinking of subsidising the sum for her. then later on she pay back or something! and the reason why my mom's helping her is because she feels that this girl will go far (: and she's reallyreally very nice! rah. not like that woman in the hair place. she's so weird and stuff. and she irritates me. so annoying lah. yeah x) so, hopefully she'll be able to study what she loves, which is serving others! (:
yepps (: thats about all! i found it kind of cool! and i ate until i was so full i felt like puking can! anyway, i hope yeeling can get what she wants because she's so determined (: GOOD LUCK! (:
rawr (: if only i could have such good attitude =/ LALALALA XD
11:54 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
okay, i know my blog is dead (:
haven't been in the mood to blog for quite some time! BUT I'M BACK! (: for now that is (:
today was farewell party and xinyi's birthday! (:
i thought that xinyi's birthday song singing was super touching! it was really heartwarming to see the whole class so united and singing the song so enthusiaticly TOGETHER! (: and well yeah, tenners know what happened. i think. i dont know how it spread =/ but erm, it wasnt supposed to spread =/ but anyway, i know FOR SURE that i'll really be SAD ): when we split up into different classes next year! it wasnt easy for us to unite and know each other better and stuff! i dont know if there's still backstabbing occurring but well, i still think we're super united (:
anyway! farewell party (: although i'm not that close to this year's sec four batch, we're still a big family and i still feel kind of sad that yet another batch of sec four's will be leaving us and moving on ): but well, what to do! this is the way life works (: shuhui was really emotional and stuff! but i guess it's kind of natural because she's the president. xiao xinying was reallyreally emotional last year too ): and i know next year will be even more emotional.
well, i hope that the seniors will be able to get into a jc of their choice and stay happy! (:
1:56 PM